Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Negativity and Agression in North Clairemont, California

APRIL 16, 2013   

"This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man."
- President H.W. Bush, as quoted by The Dude in the movie The Big Lebowski

“Anywhere but there’d been good.” My neighbor motioned toward my car with a closed hand full the same trash food that filled his mouth, making his grumbled command irritate me all the more.  After swallowing he pointed out the four other spots on the block I should have intuitively known were better options to park my car, for the spot on the public street in front of his house he liked to keep clear.   

At other times in my life I could see the point.  When I lived in a fancy South Florida neighborhood and drove a beat up Subaru with as many dents as window stickers I could understand why you might not want to see it outside your front door next to your Bentley.  Here, in a lower-middle class neighborhood of North Clairemont, California where the street was littered with beat up work trucks and trailers that haven’t moved since Arnold was Governor, I don’t see why my clean new vehicle presented an issue.

This is the kind of agression I’ve been up against for the last week.  My short-term housing situation has been a bigger disaster.  Since leaving college, here are some of the roommate situations I’ve had.  You guess which one would be the biggest problem and which one would be the most perfect fit.

1)   Sublet guy who smoked in my house
2)   Sublet raging alcoholic gay guy with three almost house-broken dogs in my house
3)   Shared house with a cokehead/self described “bar slut” female and a white supremacist male (swasktika tat and all)
4)   Duplex including yard shared with trust fund cokehead who partied until sunrise almost daily, occasionally broke TVs like a rockstar, and was on the registered sex offender list
5)   Aging hippie in an all-vegan house in the suburbs


One through four worked out fine, though I have many interesting stories to share.  Number five describes my last week and has completely sucked.  Never before have I been so disrespected and unwelcomed in a shared living situation.  There are a dozen little things that drove me insane in the first week of living there, though I’ll spare you the details and insults she threw at me.  It was today that put me over the edge. 

After traveling without issue around numerous third world countries including three well-documented malaria zones and countless sketchy hostels and guest houses, I have recently involuntarily donated large quantities of blood.  To bedbugs. 

It’s disgusting.  My body is covered in red dots and scales.  The best part?  The homeowner is blaming me for bringing them back from India.  Nevermind that I just spent ten days living in luxury in The Emirates followed by a week staying in my childhood bedroom back in Detroit before coming here and that I never had bedbugs before that.  She’s certain I brought them. 

But geez ….if we only had an expert on the subject ….someone who knew something about this topic ….someone to set the subject straight…

…like the guy living in the guesthouse in back who happens to own and operate a pest inspection and control company!  As it turns out, the little fahkers live the walls.  Surprise, surprise. 

I packed my stuff and got out of there.  It the second time in my life I’ve broke a lease, abandoned my cash, and fled for safety.  The first time involved an “incident” that changed my opinion on the existence of ghosts.

So here I am.  In a laundry mat.  Despite the décor that is more hip than most lounges in the Midwest and despite the $10.50 per load pricing that can be paid with a credit card and despite all my other dirtbag adventures, there is nothing that make me feel more like the broke white trash that really I am than sitting in a laundry mat.  At the advice of the pest control guy I am washing and drying all my clothing in the hottest water and the hottest air the commercial machines will put out to kill off any bugs that may have decided to hitch a ride out of the dirty hippie home.  

 How mush of my training and racing gear is being ruined by the heat right now …$200?  $1,000?  I choose not to think about it. 

Days like this make me wish I was still a big drinker.

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