Sunday, May 19, 2013

Heat and My Stupidity in Truckee, CA

APRIL 26, 2013

Many of my friends back in Minneapolis have at one time or another completed the Lake Tahoe Century Ride.  It’s a cycling ride that circles Lake Tahoe with an additional little jaunt to the town of Truckee.  Since I was only 50 miles from Truckee and 75 to Tahoe, I thought I’d check it out.

The whole trip was a bit of a cluster.  After 5 minutes of walking the 90 degree heat in Truckee I had seen all the kitschy touristy stuff I needed for a day and pressed on.  As much as I wanted to head to Tahoe and back on two wheels, my legs were worthless from back to back bike + run bricks the previous two days. 

I got about 1/3 of the way around the lake when I decided to get a tea to caffeinate my sleepy head.  When I got out of the car I could tell something was off a bit.  I had my keys.  I had my wallet.  I even had my own mug.  What was it? ….no shoes.  And where were my shoes?  For the first time since leaving Florida years ago, I had managed to take off a pair of shoe and completely leave them behind.  Who needs shoes when it’s warm and sandy!?   Well, I do if I want to walk in a coffee shop.  I retreated back to Kings Beach on the other side of the lake to reclaim my shoes which were still right there next to the beach where I took them off an hour prior. 

I decided to continue down the west side of the lake and cut out much of the Nevada side.  Almost immediately I pick up a hitchhiker who’s also headed south.  Now, I can get along with a lot of people.  This guy was not one of those people.  There’s something about most conspiracy theories that seem reeeeally interesting when I watch specials about them on The History Channel.  Yet, when some random guy in my passengers seat drones on and on about them I can’t wait to get rid of his ass.  I lie about my final destination and drop him short of the south shore of Lake Tahoe and head south toward Folsom.  

Note:  Neither of the pics here are from Tahoe. They are from the drive southwest back through Napa. All my Tahoe pics were lost thanks to my new Android phone.  

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