Friday, May 17, 2013

Running Water in Grass Valley, CA

APRIL 25, 2013

It was in retreat at the center in Allahabad where I originally met Brooke.  The label to one of her herbal tinctures claimed Asheville, North Carolina and I was inclined to get her opinion on the city, as it is on the short list of places I would move to.  Now a resident of Grass Valley, California, she feels like her new hometown feels like what Asheville must have been like 25 years ago before overdevelopment.  I intended to take a look myself. 

I was immediately greeted at the door by her daughter Saki who confidently introduced herself and gave me hand shake firm enough to fit in at most business settings.  Her husband Cactus followed behind with a hug.  Any family that starts their intros like that is good by me. 

He’s a video of them at work …which is to say on stage as a family hip hop group.  No joke.  Just watch.

Saki, Brooke and Cactus hangin on the banks of the Yuma
Grass Valley and neighboring town Nevada City are indeed amazing.  Cool little downtown area with a good local bike shop, food co-op, a couple indi coffee shops, live music, raw food, and every Friday the local art gallery serves kava.  That’s really all I need to live.  Sprinkle in a lot of good riding in the surrounding areas and 280 days of sun each year and I was basically sold. 

On my fourth and final day, we went down to the Yuma river to hang out.  What’s interesting is that despite being desert and high desert, the region has access to a reasonable amount of clean fresh water.  Locals fill up five gallon jugs directly from an unfiltered roadside spring.  This is in stark contrast to the rest of California which is keenly aware of the water scarcity problem plaguing the region.

Good people and good energy here. I leave Grass Valley refreshed.  Inspired.  Hopeful.  I might return here.

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