Thursday, May 16, 2013

Yoga in Palo Alto, CA

APRIL 21, 2013

Two days hanging with my fellow ParaYoga Jillian here in Silicon Valley.  Though I traveled much of the bay area, Palo Alto is a new stop for me.  Everything here is shinny.  Everything is new.  Everyone here is a genius.  At least that’s my impression.

Here we are on the left playing the role of stereotypical Cali yogis, getting coconut water at Wholepaycheck after class.  Think my smile is creepy?  You should check out my see-through Lululemon yoga pants I'm rocking.

At least that was my impression before I was able to score a guess pass to the Stanford pool and watch the future leaders of our country drink non-descript juice out of Solo cups while screwing around on the grassy area by the pool. 

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