Monday, December 10, 2012

My Momento Moment in Denver, Colorado

“Never understood what my body was for.  That’s why I always leave it hanging out on the floor.” 

Axilla by Trey Anastasio

Okay.  Let’s take inventory.  I’m sitting on a truck tailgate sweating like the fat kid I used to be.  I’m foggy, rather groggy.  I’m in the parking lot of some gathering.  There are random dirty kids tailgating all around me – mangy dogs, beer coolers, dreadlocks, even an entire Pop-A-Shot – and next to me on the truck my friend Cerv is staring at me with the widest eyes and most anxious look I’ve ever seen on that face in the 26 years I’ve know it.  Oh! I know! It’s Phish concert and I just passed the fuk out.  Who needs recreational chemistry when you’ve got a low blood pressure problem?

Instinctively, I had taken the weight off my bloodied left knee that took most of my weight in the fall and hopped up on the pickup truck bed I was hunched over.  Fortunately the rest of my weight was supported by my friend Cerv who was quick to action as he listened to me mid-sentence cut my story and mumble, “Everything is black and white,” and promptly collapsed. 

Passing out isn't a great way to get attention when you're 

competing against the guy going for the world record for high fives.

So let’s Tarantino this this back to the beginning.

Okay, maybe not the beginning.  That would be a long story involving a walk down a memory lane known as college to give you the background on my musical tastes.  Let’s just start with my planning for this trip about six months ago. 

At the time I was restoring an old VW microbus that would be done about the same time I my stock vested from the previously mentioned financial services company.  The following weekend the band Phish would be making a 10 day run of concerts down the east coast and what better way to break in the bus and cleanse myself of korporate America than a few Phish shows?

Well, that part of our story did not end so well.  I was stuck in the job for longer than I wanted and the bus …well, that part of the story really didn’t end…

But I still made it to that Phish tour.

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