Monday, December 17, 2012

Beach Walk in Santorini, Greece II

SEPTEMBER 17, 2012

What?  You want more cat photos? Okay.
Travel guidebooks are good.  Talking to other travelers is great.  Advice from locals is king.  And the local sitting next to me on the plane said that Santorini had the best sunrises in the world.  (He had no comment on the vegetables.)

The following morning in Santorini I woke up early and had a quick bit of food with the locals before wandering down to the beach.  All of Greece is overrun with stray dogs and cats.  And unlike other countries, including the U.S., they are really friendly. 

It was too overcast to catch a good sunrise.  

Instead of crawling back in to bed, I walked the shoreline heading away from town.  At first glance from the road there appeared to be only 100 meters of walkable beach without much to see.  

Still, the eroded sandstone (note: I have no idea if this is sandstone, it just makes sense at first glace) cliffs lining the shore caught my eye.

A kilometer later a reentrant caught my eye and I hand to explore.  It was a bit unnerving going in there.  Every two meters there was a blind turn and I had no idea what waited around the next corner.  It turned out that the only thing wait was more corners and more intriguing rock structures.

Another two kilometers down was old decommissioned structure.  Near that structure was an old rusty bike who had clearly lost the battle against time and saltwater.

Were the skies clear and the sunrise in fact the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, I may have got my picture and retreated to breakfast without exploring the beach.  This is always the way travel has worked for me.  The best views, the best food and the best conversations are always found down the road from the popular spots and usually require a bit sweat or social discomfort to find.  No story worth telling has ever began with the line, “So I’m at the bar at the Marriot and…..” 

More cats as promised. You're welcome.

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