Friday, March 8, 2013

Feelin' Free, Clear Mind in Agra, India

FEBRUARY 6, 2013

“The places we come from don’t leave us as easily as we leave them.”

- Aryn Kyle, from The God of Animals
Random puppy pic

Love me some puppies
yup.  Another puppie.

On the path of personal development it has long been my goal to be the slowest, fattest, unhealthiest, most spiritually inept person I know.  Not that I aspire to any of these things.  On the contrary, I am reaching for the other end of the spectrum and it would help my development were I to be surround by individuals who are faster (triathlon), fitter, healthier and more spiritually grounded than me. 

Morning jog back in Delhi.
A big reason for my departure from Minneapolis was that I never fit in to the community and it never felt like home.  This, here, thousands of miles from the US feels like home. The other yogis on this trip are exactly the kinds of people I hope to some day surround myself with.  Sadly, today has taken on a feel of the last day of summer camp.  Amazing people met.  Amazing connections made.  And soon, they roll out to their homes in San Mateo, Halifax, Toronto, Charlotte, Dallas, Miami and beyond. 

Over meals these last couple days, they have shard their dreams of returning to their clean bath tubs and oversized beds and loved ones.  With none of these things to return to, I will continue to wander . 

From the perspective of my development, being surrounded by these people has been more than just inspiring.  Their impact will not leave me simply because their physical presence has. 

Blah. Delhi.  It's like Vegas with more trash and cow poo.
Our bus left Agra a couple hours ago and is speeding toward Delhi as I type this.  In a few short hours I will watch the group board another bus and head to the airport as I enter the city to regroup before my next destination.

With a clear head and inspired heart I will hit the streets of Delhi tonight.  No more set schedule with three prepared meals and two chi tea breaks.  No returning to the same bed each night protected by 8 feet of barbed wire and armed guards.  No set agenda for my studying and practice.  Just a few million people on big old slab of concrete trying to get by. 

Reentry is always hell.

At least now I’m grounded enough to recognize that neither the man-made insanity of the city, nor my current travel lifestyle is the “real” world.

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