Tuesday, March 19, 2013

South American Demons in Darjeeling, India

FEBRUARY 27, 2013

" Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with."
- George's threatening words to Coach, from the movie "Hoosiers"

One of two things happened to me today.  Either I met a woman possessed by South American demons, as she claimed.  Or I met a woman who was just plain bat s#1t crazy.  I don’t honestly know which is true.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt this woman was very intelligent.  The first thirty minutes of our conversation was wrapped around theology and politics of the region as she swooped me up and drug me around from church to church claiming she was not Christian, but a Theraveda Buddhist monk, though all religions had something to offer.  She said she found the churches in the area particularly inspiring and quoted often from the bible.

Then, the conversation started.  There were only two of us around and I wasn’t in the conversation.

Then she came back and our wonderful dialog continued. 

A full hour into our walk and talk and we somehow had been granted permission to meet with the Bishop of the Catholic Church in Darjeeling. 

Then the conversation started again.  This time there were three of us present and neither the Bishop or I were part of the conversation. 

Life is interesting.  Some days more than others. 

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