Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Flu in Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

MARCH 3, 2013

And a day later that glass of chai would do her in.
My friend Theresa arrived yesterday.  She's passing through from Dubai on her way to Thailand and Bali.  Over email we discussed, without resolution, what we would do should our room have only one bed.  As it turned out, that was the least of the uncomfortable issues I had to deal with when she arrived.  I had a flu of the worst variety.  Our tiny budget room offered no privacy as I blew out the bathroom no more than 2 meters where she lay in bed.   TMI?  Sorry, that was the reality of situation.  Only now, a day later and 6 pounds lighter, can I laugh about it.  

We ventured out finally ...saw a stupa ...wandered the touristy of all tourist districts ...then booked our bus outta here.  To the mountains!

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