Thursday, March 21, 2013

Full Yoko in Pokhara, Nepal

MARCH 9, 2013

This leg of my trip was pretty chill.  Theresa and I basically pulled a John and Yoko.  Except she isn’t ugly and didn’t break up my band.  And we wore clothing the whole time.  And we really never talked about World Peace.  Okay, maybe our experience was nothing like John and Yoko.  Maybe we were just a bit lazy.  This was partially to blame on both of us having pretty bad cases of the flu to start our journey and partly on account of our other travels.  Theresa left the US in September and has been globe trotting all over the place.  I left “home” in September and the US in December. 

By the time we got to Pokhara it was just nice to relax.  

We read.  We did yoga.  We jogged.  And we were perhaps the only westerners in the history of travel to go to Pokhara and not hike the Anapurna Circuit.  Oh, well.  Next time. 
Besides, Lennon could never grow a beard like this. 
This is the house cat at Bamboo, an Australian-owned cafe.  The rain was hammering the tin roof and the cat didn't know what to do.
Everyone together: "Awwwwwwwe"

If I had a view like this, I too would gladly live under a tarp.

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