Saturday, February 9, 2013

Old Friends and More Hiking in Los Angeles, CA

DECEMBER 5, 2012

“ They call Los Angeles the City of
Angels. I didn’t find it to be that
exactly, but I’ll allow as there are
some nice folks there."

- The Big Lebowski

Connecting with old friends is great.  Especially when you haven't seen said friends in a long time.  In the last three days I managed to catch up with Joe, an athlete I coached back in Minnepolis, Kristi, a friend from high school and Rebecca, who I hadn't seen since, oh, 8th grade.  

Bike ride.  City to the left, Hollywood sign to the right. 
Visiting L.A. can go a number of different ways, most of them disastrous for someone like me who doesn't fit into the lounge scene.  Fortunately, my hosts managed to take me out some wonderful outdoor attractions close the city.  

Rebecca took me on a 10 mile hike past the original filming site of M*A*S*H

And, impossibly, a helicopter flew over the ridge just like it does in the opening credits of M*A*S*H
I'm told I don't include enough photos of me.  So there you have it.  Look close.

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