Monday, February 11, 2013

Trail Run in Joshua Tree N.P., CA


Waking in daylight, it was time to wander.  Joshua Tree had long been on my To Do List, as it came very highly recommended by my ex-girlfriend (that’d be ex #2, working in reverse chronological order).  What I always forget is what a tough traveler she is.  Not like "she prefers B & B’s over all-inclusives".  More like, she actually used to lead three week primitive hiking trips in the Idaho desert for at risk youth carrying nothing but a bed roll, flint and steel, a knife, and lentils.  As such, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that Joshua Tree was extremely barren and desolate as national parks go. 

My legs were s#it soup after a hard week of training.  I went for a little “easy” run that turned into a painful 4.7 miles covered in about an hour.  Yup, that slow.  It was sandy single track and even required some scrambling to get to the top of Mastadon Peak. 

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