Friday, February 15, 2013

Sherpa in Ann Arbor, MI

DECEMBER 21, 2012

Trail run in The Arb, Ann Arbor, MI
Predicted end of the world.  Winter solstice.  First snow fall of the year. Friday night in Ann Arbor.  You knew this one was going to be good.

The snow finally came down last night.  Not that I’m an advocate for winter by any means.  But if it is going to be cold at Christmastime, at least give me a little dusting of the white stuff. 

If the world was truly going to end tonight, spending it with my friend Sari seemed like the logical bet for companionship to watch it all go down. 

Sari is living proof that you can manifest anything.  She is the type of spirit who bring light any situation.  Every conversation with her leaves me energized about life.  While the rest of my friends and family remain mildly interested in my travels, expressing general bewilderment, Sari was quick to answer the “what are you up to?” question on my behalf with, “He’s living the dream!!!”  That’s why I love her.

Proof she's an angel.  Look at that halo.
Back to the whole manifestation thing.  Several years ago, following less than a year of college Spanish classes, Sari became fluent in the language.  Not only fluent in a mechanics sense either.  She lived it.  She embraced it.  South American culture became a fascination.  Not in the way some college kids embrace Jamaican culture because they smoke too much pot or how others become Anglophiles because they mistakenly believe The Beatles were God’s gift to music.  For Sari, the fascination immediately took on a more mission-driven purpose.  In fact, she has since traveled there for mission work and made amazing connections including the love of her life.  How sweet is that?

With only six days until my trip to Sri Lanka (then India and maybe Nepal) I was drawn into a Himalayan themed store in Ann Arbor.  I met an actual Sherpa there!  I had heard many of them had been leaving their native land and relocating to the U.S., but Ann Arbor?  We spoke about accommodations in Kathmandu and options for non-technical climbing to 20,000 feet.

 And I bought these Elmo mittens.  

Which are awesome.

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