Friday, January 25, 2013

Blue Water in Bled, Slovenia

OCTOBER 18, 2012

How clear was the water? Those rocks in the foreground were 4 feet under it
Drawn once again to by the sight of mountains and the sounds of moving water, I found myself in a small town known as a gateway city for adventure and endurance sports.  There’s something slightly overwhelming, if not frightening, about arriving at a train or bus station and being swallowed up by the whole of humanity in a bigger city.  Conversely, there’s something peaceful yet refreshing about deboarding the train in a town like bled and being the only person there.  Not one taxi.  Not one tall building in site.  I knew this was going to be my kind of place.

It was so rural I actually had to pull out my compass to figure out which way the lake was.  In short time I was on my way. 

This late in October all the outfitters in town were closed and all I had to work with was my running shoes and a mid-grade mountain bike.  It was plenty.  After unpacking I took a quick run around the lake. 

I’d love to tell you about the thriving night life of Bled.  But I took advantage of having the nicest, nicest quietest hostel roommate in the history of nice quiet hostel roommates and went to bed at 9 p.m.   A full twelve hours later I was recharged and ready to take on the world.

1 comment:

  1. Are you stuck in a time-space continuum? The whole October things makes me think your still at the Phish concert...
