Tuesday, January 1, 2013

On The Road Skopkje, Macedonia

SEPTEMBER 27, 2012

"Let it be good, and do what you should,
you know it'll work alright.
Let it be good, do what you should,
you know it'll be alright."

What Goes on by The Velvet Underground

How hard is it to gain entry to Macedonia?  It’s kind of like a pre-9/11 entry into Windsor from Detroit, like we did when we were 19 years old and needed to cross the border for booze.  No. No, that would be giving the process too much credit.  At least back then they usually checked our IDs and asked some basic questions about if and what we were carrying into the country and whether or not weapons were on that list.  No, that’s not what they did here. 

It was really more like a game of pond hockey where everyone throws their stick in at center ice to determine teams.  Except here, at the entry point to the F.Y.R.O.M we all threw our passports toward the center isle as our bus driver collected them and walked away to some shack for inspection.  Two cigarettes later (cigarettes being a unit of time in these parts), we were on our way.  What a relief. I was afraid the whole passport thing might have been to divide teams for a soccer game.

….wait ….wtf ….I know I just answered in the affirmative to about six questions I didn’t understand but why does this paper say Application for Residence Change  …did I just permanently relo to Macedonia?  Fahk.  I hope not.  Then they’ll make me play soccer for sure.

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