OCTOBER 13, 2012
For those who hold a fascination with architecture and
history, Sarajevo, Bosnia should be placed on the top of their list of Balkan
cities to visit. Walking through the old
town area was such a gem. In all
honesty, a bit of travel weariness had crept into my being in the last week and
since leaving the beaches of the west coast I had lost a bit of interest in the
history of the region, in favor of time spent in and around the ocean and
mountains. Sarajevo changed this a bit
for me.
Much of the city was restored to its original pre-war form,
or better. At the same time many of the
buildings still showed their scars from the shelling they took over a decade
Sarajevo was the first stop on my trip where a local,
someone I met through a friend-of-a-friend type of connection, would be me
guide. Between her, a talkative taxi
driver I would later hire, and a guy I would meet the next day at a Kirtan, I
learned much of the city’s history.
Sadly, they validated the horrible stories of bloodshed and neighbor vs
neighbor that I had read on the internet.
It is said that those who drink from the fountain will return. So I guess we'll see you soon Sarajevo. |
We are loving your stories. Passed on your link to many. Looking forward to book #2 someday :)