Saturday, January 26, 2013

Emerald Green Water in Bled, Slovenia

OCTOBER 19, 2012

The mind of an addict is an interesting thing.  I watch movies like Trainspotting and think, “That’s ridiculous.  How could someone have to shoot heroin every single time they see it when they know it’s a bad idea.”  Then I substitute the heroin part with  “swim in the ocean” or “run on the trail” and it all makes sense.
The property where I am staying shares a property line with the community track.  So, like the addict I am, I completely ignore the fact that my minimalist shoes should have been thrown away two weeks and 100 kilometers ago and that my quads feel like hell from the morning bike and hike and head out to the track that had previously served as my personal well-padded yoga studio for the week.

And speaking of my morning bike and hike.  I borrowed a bike and headed out to Triglav National Park.  As the only National Park in Slovenia, I’d have to say that if you’re only going to do one, this is how to do it.

Been a while since I had a good pod slapping.

Of course there's a Pizzaria sign in the middle of the woods.

This photo is so unedited my fingers haven't been cropped out. That's how bright the water and leaves were.

Steep rock walls were split in two by emerald green water.  There were few hikers and site seers so I basically had the place to myself.  Well, me and the stray cat I made friends with.

stupid tourist photo

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