Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Moonshadow in BFE, Alabama

NOVEMBER 1, 2012

“I’m being followed by a moon shadow.” 
– Cat Stevens

I wake up alone somewhere in southern Alabama, near my next destination of Panama City Beach.  The nighttime lows in the low 50’s make me wish I had made a real camp instead of just throwing down my sleeping pad and burritoing my sleeping bag in a tarp.  It was cold.  Two days past a full moon and the light from the moon was bright enough to make me wake up squinting a couple times in the night before pulling the tarp over my eyes and dozing back off to never never land.  A couple thousand miles north and those in the Northeast are recovering from the most severe storm of modern days.  The property damage is staggering.  But to think some people cannot live without electricity for 24 hours will always perplex me.

Has it seriously been a week since I returned to the U.S.?  And have I seriously traveled as many miles in that week as I did in the previous 6 in Europe?

Family time in Detroit…  quality time with friends Scott and Melissa …the official end of Cyndi and my 5 year relationship in St. Paul …a presentation at University of Wiconsin Eau Claire  …blues in Nashville …amazing vegan food in Birmingham, Alabama of all places.

Changes.  World moving fast.  Reentry is always hell.

Can’t slow down. 

Talledega Nat'l Forest in Alabama

Must slow down.

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