Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Staying Dry in Zagreb, Croatia

OCTOBER 15, 2012

The weather had cleared by the time I arrived in Zagreb and I made the call to stay there for the night and perhaps make another run at getting west to Plitvice Lake National Park to see the waterfalls in the morning.  I found a hostel, changed, and headed out for a trail run in one of the many parks just north of the city.  Despite being in the biggest party hostel I’ve stayed (free shot at the door, organized pub crawl, and a huge bar right in the hostel), I managed to have a very chill night.  My room was a four bed dorm and I was the only one.  Some quick furniture rearranging and I had my own yoga studio on the top floor, away from the chaos of the drunk Americans and Aussies four floors below.  It was perfect. 

In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of rain with an intensity I haven’t heard in a while.  After checking the weather reports in the morning I came to the realization there would be no Plitvice Lake N.P. on this trip.  While the rest of the hostel slept off their hangovers, I packed up and headed out of town shortly after sunrise in an attempt to find drier ground. 

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