Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hanging in Bar, Montenegro

OCTOBER 9, 2012

Four weeks ago I left Detroit metro knowing that I had seriously underplanned for this journey.  These last couple days it finally caught up with me.  After much luck up to this point, I thought that getting from Thithe, Albania to Dubrovnik, Croatia would be no problem.  In the end, it was a three day journey involving every failed mode of transportation available from hitch hiking to missed bus connections.  But hear me clearly – it was all still wonderful.  

After getting dropped off by Chris and our driver at the Ulcinj bus station I tried unsuccessfully to head directly to Dubrovnik and made it only one lazy beach town to the north in Bar, Montenegro.  With nothing to do, no where to go, and little interest in the town itself, I bunkered down at a café on the beach and finished reading the novel I purchased in Greece a couple weeks ago. 

There are some scenes you couldn’t dream up, and this was one of them.

There I was, again in Montenegro, sipping my espresso ( yes I effing hate coffee but it was that or another terrible pilsner) watching the sun go down to a soundtrack of Frank Sinatra’s “Summer Wind.” 

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you need a days at each of your stops. What treasure!
